Behind, but feeling feisty now, plus video

Oct 07, 2007 09:27

Okay. I'm weeks behind on LJ and at least 5 days behind in e-mail. I don't know what more than 2/3 of you are up to in your lives, and I apologize. Work's great in that I like the people I'm working with and I dig the site I'm working on and I'm getting to write one of our Halloween feature stories (which I'll post a link to here when it's live). But everything that's not either the house project or writing or particular social commitments (written or live) feels like a time thief and I am trying to give the thief as little time as possible--hence my LJ absence.

I am also feeling feisty about another kind of theft. I was reading a friend's journal this AM when I discovered him quoting an e-mail he received at work, a forwarded story offered without credit that was clearly ripped off from a piece of spoken-word poetry that I adore, Taylor Mali's "What Teachers Make." (I don't know why this incident has angered me as much as it has--really, my reaction is disproportionate, but there it is.) This is a brilliant, passionate piece. Everyone who is a teacher, who loves a teacher, or has been taught by a teacher needs to see and hear the original spoken by its creator. Accept no e-mail fakes, kids, and give the man his props. Watch it. Really.

image Click to view

Off to go have a day and write.

psa, venting

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