A change in the weather

Jul 13, 2007 09:21

Wednesday it was sunny and 97 degrees. Yesterday it was partly overcast but still warm enough to give me a ladylike glow. This morning, the sky is a flat, ominous gray full of mist and thunder. You have to understand, those of you not from the region: we never have thunder here, or if we do, it's one crack of thunder and then it's over. The sky is rumbling this morning in a way I've never heard it do since I moved here. It's pretty damn cool. (And several of my local compatriots are mentioning it in their LJs as well. Surely it's a sign . . . of something.) I've pulled my folding chair in off of the balcony and am planning to wear closed shoes to this afternoon's appointment, rather than the sandals I was going to wear.

This afternoon's appointment? Why, it's at my agency, to fill out paperwork for my new gig, to start next Thursday. Yes, yes, I'm going to be contracting at Microsoft again. More details later, but after the nightmare that was my last job and all these months to sort out my feelings about work a bit, I'm feeling pretty good about this choice because it's happened in context of other choices that I'm feeling pretty good about as well. I still have more stuff to work out, but I'm not as conflicted as I have been. It's a good place to be.

In other news, I exchanged my camera yesterday for a Nikon D80 with a 18-135 lens. It's almost $400 less expensive, offers more pixel power, a better viewfinder, and is lighter and a little better suited to my hands than the Canon was (among other features). I may still have to get a longer telephoto lens, but it will be an investment worth making. I'll be going to the zoo within the next few days to experiment with the camera and see how it feels and shoots.
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