A milestone

Jun 02, 2007 07:19

Last Tuesday evening was the annual chorus' spring cast party/members' meeting. At this meeting, among other things, election of board members occurs. Each board position term lasts for two years. My term is up this year. I'm proud of myself that I declined to serve another two years on the board. My position was that I wanted the time to write and that I wouldn't be able to devote the time the chorus would need of me. If it was a choice between singing and being a board member, I'd have to choose the former.

No one argued. Some people expressed disappointment that I wouldn't be continuing, but no one tried to talk me out of the decision. A couple of people said that, given my reasons, they could only support my choice. I appreciated that in a big way.

It was tougher to do than I expected. I think we all like to believe that we're indispensable in some way, that no one can do the job we can do. But the truth is that the chorus survived without me before and it will continue to do so after I step down. The group is full of good, capable people who will be able to move the chorus forward.

Today is the chorus board retreat. My goal is to have all the publicity materials pulled together to pass along to whomever has an interest in taking care of publicity moving forward. It won't be a great issue if I don't complete the work before the meeting; the season doesn't officially end until we sing our Olympia show. But I'd like to get all my materials together for the succession and just have done with it.

It's still tougher to do than I thought it would. But it's the right choice.


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