Cheerful things

May 07, 2007 11:33

It's a lovely day in Seattle, mild and sunny, just a touch of chill in the air. The kitties are snoozing, Merlin on the couch, Spanky stretched out on the carpet. And I'm trying to declutter the kitchen table (an ongoing challenge).

Seems like there's been so much tough stuff going on lately, death, illness, political stupidity. What's good that's going on with you right now? What's making you happy, or making you say, "Look! Pretty!" I'm not depressed, I'm just in need of hearing good news and seeing cool or pretty pictures. Send me news and pointers, people.

And I'll start the ball rolling with my own cheerful things:

1) The Steller's Jays that live in the big tree outside my living room window are getting active again. Every day for the last three or four, one of them has landed on my balcony railing and peered through the sliding door at me. They're such a rich blue; it's like being visited by tropical birds.

2) The owlets at the Owl Nest Box Cam are slowly beginning to look like tiny little owls rather than little puffs of fuzz. Every now and the, one of them will look directly at the camera and show off his distinctive eye ruffs. In fact, sometimes they're watching you while you're watching them. Click the pic to see the little guys staring at the lens as if to say, "Hey! We're tryin' ta sleep here!"

3) At least one of my eBay auctions is heating up (thank goodness). They're all being watched. Here's hoping that on Wednesday around dinner time, there are great big honkin' bidding wars. :-)

birds, photos

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