
Apr 20, 2007 21:22

As I suspected we would, Bro and I spent the better part of the day at the Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island. As a community relations guy for Newsday, my brother seems to know and have done business with everyone in the tri-state area (including the museum—Newsday's name was clear beneath many exhibits as a major museum sponsor), and we quickly found ourselves with complementary admission.

The museum is exactly what its name would suggest: a chronicle of Long Island's history as the cradle of aviation. Having grown up here, I already had some sense of just how integral the Island was to the development and advancement of flight, but this museum made the argument in no uncertain terms, from flights well before Lindbergh's, which launched from Roosevelt Field, through Grumman's participation in the design of the space shuttle. The place is full of aircraft, beautiful original airplanes some of which are the only representatives left of their models. The space flight exhibits are wonderful, including a LEM unit built for NASA but never used due to funding cuts. We ended the day by taking the doggie nephew for a long walk in the neighborhood; the weather was wonderful today, sunny and mild, fine walking weather. It was a terrific way to end the day, and I'm definitely ready for sleep.

Tomorrow, it looks like I'm going to get a ride on my brother's new motorcycle, a Victory (I'll have more specifics for the gearheads tomorrow—and wait until I post pictures of his Sterling kit car, two of which can be seen at the top of this page). The thing is half again as big as his Harley and just gorgeous. And there may be pennysmashing afoot. We shall see....


PS--For your entertainment, I offer links for cat lovers:
British cat rides bus
Get Fuzzy comments on Wikipedia
Bodega Cat

(All of these links must be credited to lyonessnyc, with my thanks!)

bro, museums, travel

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