I'm trying to enter the 21 Century and it won't let me in!

Jan 24, 2007 09:04

Went to the Comcast Web site this morning to look into finally getting a high-speed internet connection at home. When I navigated to the "Prices" page in Firefox, I would type my information into the text boxes and nothing would happen. When I opened the same page in Safari, I'd enter my information, hit "On You Go" and then the browser would shut down (this happened three times). I've gotten past that page in Explorer, but now I can't get beyond the next page, where I'd look at packages, because no matter what I click, the page doesn't respond. I guess this means I have to do it over the telephone when I'd really prefer to do my own research and not to have some salesperson trying to sell me more stuff.

I should also note that this site indulges in one of my worst pet peeves ever: the assumption that all users are already connected via high-speed internet. If you're trying to sell high-speed, shouldn't there be a shopping option for those who connect via dial-up? All those animated sell pages are hell to load via hard line.


venting, observations

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