A break in habit: clothes not jewels

Jun 30, 2006 13:42

There's something . . . not sad, but telling about the fact that I can say, "Every time I get a new job . . . ", the implication being that I do this often which, over the last few years, has in fact been true.

Okay, what I intended to write was: Every time I get a new job, my habit has been to buy myself a new piece of jewelery in celebration. I only started the search for such on Wednesday, but haven't found just the right thing. There is danger inherent in this process, however. It means one is within reaching distance of other things one enjoys, like clothes. Yesterday we were allowed out of the office early because relocation to the Bothell office began. I took advantage of the Redmond Town Center location to stop into Lane Bryant. I tried on this, but didn't have enough bust for it. Tried on this, which didn't do anything for me. But then, I found myself with this top, which I loved, took home and am wearing today. (I shouldn't be spending money yet, as I am not yet rolling in the cash due to come from the new job yet, but what the hell.) It's pretty, and I can wearit with the purple shrug I picked up a couple of weeks ago if I need to cover my shoulders.

I'm really digging the ultra-femmy tops we've seen for summer the last couple of years. They're flattering to the figure and just really attractive to the eye. And they mean I can expose a little skin (wih care and sunscreen aforethought, of course), which I like to do, as my skin is really pretty good.

Still haven't found the right piece of jewelry to celebrate the job, but I will. I will.

(As for the icon, it's the closest thing I have to anything fashion-like in my collection. I also freely admit that I hijacked it from spazzychic who has the best collection of icons evar!)


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