In today's latest exercise in procrastination, I indulged in an ego search on Google and delved deeper into the links than I ever have before. (If you're curious, my name produces 40,500 results! Round about page 20, other people who share either my first or last name start to creep into the results list.) Amongst the convention listings, book notes, and blog entries, I found a few interesting things I didn't know existed out there on the InterWebs, to wit:
An account of a WriterGrrls reading in which I participated a couple of years ago. The writer seems to have been taken with the stuff I read. (ETA 2011: The page has since been removed, but here's the quote about my reading, as discovered on the Wayback Machine: "Then Janna Silverstein kept things rolling with three pieces, 'Rain and Wolves,' 'Island Liquor at Starbucks' ("...a pirate complexion like heat and leather..."), and 'Reading Headlines.' That last one began 'The headline said "Aliens prefer CNN." This is poor journalism....' Rain? What rain? Weather-induced blues? What blues?")
Camille Bacon Smith's essay "POMO Femmes Strike Back," which mentions me in the same breath and company as people I hugely respect and admire (
suricattus, you're mentioned, too), which actually left me a little astonished and rather humbled. I think of myself as little more than a footnote (and a brief one) in science fiction history and culture, and this took direct aim at that self-perception.
A letter I wrote to that I was unaware they published. It was in response to a columnist's piece about reading the slushpile. I wrote on the pleasures of sharing slush publicly at science fiction conventions. Scroll down about two-thirds of the page to find my entry, or simply search on my name to find it.
A summary of the third short story I ever sold: "An editor's power of darkness is more than a mere elf can handle..." Heh heh heh.
(Note: The links in this paragraph download PDF files.)
A review of Burstzine #2, in which I had an essay. The reviewer singled out my essay as one of the three most distinctive in the issue. ::squee:: If you'd like to read it, you can
download the issue.
Okay, that's about an hour wasted. Let's see what other trouble I can get myself into....