Feline infelicities

Nov 01, 2005 10:25

This morning when I rang the breakfast bell for the kitties (more commonly known as opening a can of catfood), Spanky came running, but Merlin was nowhere in sight. I went upstairs to rouse him and he was sluggish to respond. When he did jump down off the bed, he was almost reluctant to follow me downstairs, and went into the bathroom instead of the kitchen.

He proceeded to throw up soap bubbles.

Yes. Soap bubbles.

Apparently, he'd taken a drink—or six—from the pot I left soaking in the sink last night. ::sigh::

Away we went to the vet's office. The vet pronounced him healthy as a horse except for a soapy mouth, prescribed fluids and Pepcid (!) and sent us on our way. The only other thing this visit produced was the requisite financial hit that always happens when one falls into a little extra cash. And, oh yes, Merl needs some dental work.

Never a dull moment at Chez Scarlettina.

kitties, the boys

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