The many departments of me and...oh yeah...I made sale....

Jun 02, 2005 21:19

"I Am Such A Child of the 80s" Department
Driving home from workshop tonight, I was listening to the radio and enjoying this really cool song with a really cool intro and vocals ... and then we get to the chorus, and it's "Slave to Love." Oh dear. But you know what? Still a good song.

"I Am Such a Geek" Department
I love the new Doctor Who. Never loved Doctor Who before. Was always mildly curious but not enough to explore the series. Now, with Eccleston, Piper and whoever it is they've got writing the show I love it. Me? Geek.

"I Have Work Ethic Envy" Department
I need do nothing more than point you to kradical's recent post about all the contracted-for novels, short stories and other assorted stuff he's working on and you may very well understand.

"I Am Sick of Living with Geriatric Cats" Department
I love Merlin and Spanky. Deep love. Deeper than my love for Doctor Who. But I am sick to death of having to hand feed Merlin to ensure he doesn't eat too quickly and then bring it all back up on the carpet or the nearest blanket. I'm sick of waking up to Spanky coughing up hairballs at 2 AM because he won't let me brush him. One good night's sleep and no more brown spots on my light-colored carpet: is that too much to ask?

Okay, enough with the negative. Back to the postive.

"Apparently, I'm a Babe" Department
Last night, for the third time, one of the women in the chorus told me I was "irresistably cute." Or adorable. Some word like that. Third time from as many women. Context, of course, is key. I'm entertained. It helps, also, that I got asked to go out for dinner next week by a male someone tonight. Admiration is certainly nice; male admiration: hard to beat. ::grin::

"I Must Be Sicker than I Thought" Department
Pat Swenson over at Talebones wrote me yesterday to tell me that he wanted to buy my poem, "Confection," and not only did I not get excited, I forgot about it because I've been so ill. I only remembered tonight at workshop because we were going around the circle talking about sales and markets and so on. As it is, the magazine will be running one, possibly two, book reviews I've written, but the poem, of course, is a whole different thing mainly because it's the first time Pat's bought something of mine that wasn't nonfiction—and that's not for lack of trying either. Yay me!

kitties, slgc, laundry list, doctor who, writing

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