/F/i/v/e/ Three things for a pre-Thanksgiving Monday

Nov 21, 2016 08:22

Dr. Strange: Saw the movie last night in the company of SA. Absolutely stunning visually. Interesting, compelling origin story. Cumberbatch, Ejiofor, Swinton and Mikkelsen were all terrific. I love Ejiofor's diction and delivery; I could listen to him forever. I also loved--in a peculiar way--the make-up effects used on the eyes of Dormammu's zealots. It was so effective that I found myself rubbing my own eyes after the movie was over to make sure I hadn't somehow assimilated that distressing look. Hated the made-up names Mordo and Dormammu. They are holdovers from the comics and weird attempts to create exotic-sounding names. Something about them bugs the hell out of me. But these are the only things that bugged me about an otherwise entertaining film that is absolutely delicious to the eyes, both in terms of the visual effects and the male leads. Cumberbatch's cheekbones could cut glass.

The holiday season: I'm having trouble assimilating the idea that Thanksgiving is this Thursday. I saw my first Santa Claus of the season yesterday, in context of a mall Santa photo set-up, and it felt anachronistic somehow, as if I were seeing a Santa in the middle of July. But then this whole year has felt bad and wrong, truncated and surreal. No reason the holidays shouldn't as well.

Spoons: A friend observed this weekend that I don't have a lot of spoons lately. She is right. I have been tired, fragile. I am in mourning. I am working hard to resist the urge to quietly cocoon myself away from people and life in general by keeping myself busy-busy-busy. But a lot of things feel hard for me right now, and my tolerance for stress is very, very low. I'm looking forward to the long weekend. I don't have a lot of plans. I may take some time to just sleep.

state of me, movies

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