On dog whistles

Jan 18, 2016 08:03

It seems like more and more this year, the Republican presidential candidates are communicating in dog whistles. It's usually Donald Trump, who seems to think that any religion other than his own is weird and un-American. I've heard him talk; it's consistent and it's remarkable that a New Yorker would talk this way--except for Trump, who oversimplifies everything, diverts the conversation when he's out of his depth, and regularly speaks fluent Hyperbole. And then there was his speech to the Republican Jewish donors: "I'm a negotiator like you folks, we're negotiators. Is there anybody that doesn't renegotiate deals in this room? This room negotiates them -- perhaps more than any other room I've ever spoken in."

And then there was Ted Cruz's "New York values" remark. West Wing fans recognized it at once for what it was, even though Cruz, in the same sentence, went on to insist he was talking about positions that are "socially liberal, pro-abortion, pro gay marriage." But then he went on to talk about money and the media (because according to a certain stripe, Jews own the media and have all the money).

I'm glad social media recognized Cruz's talk for exactly what it was. Given how Republicans talk about Muslims, it seemed only a matter of time for one of them to get around to the anti-Semitism. The best thing about the whole affair is that Cruz hasn't addressed the accusation because he knows that doing so is a losing proposition. Either he or his advisors are aware that saying, "That wasn't an anti-Semitic remark!" is, at this point, like trying to answer the question, "Have you stopped beating your wife?" Of course, the comment--being as broad as it was--got the whole city's back up, as it should have. On Twitter, Justin Guarini put it beautifully:

What else can one say? These people are showing their true colors.

There was little doubt that my vote will be for whichever Democrat wins the nomination. I'm glad others are beginning to see what's behind the Republican curtain. I hope more do, and soon.


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