
Dec 04, 2015 07:27

Went to the dentist on Tuesday to be told that I have beautiful teeth and I'm taking good care of them. But also, that two of them are cracked and need crowns. Went back to the dentist last night to have molds made and to get temporary crowns put in. My mouth hurts. It's absolutely the right thing to do but may I just say, "Ow"? I'll be eating soft things the next couple of days. And then the permanent crowns will be implanted in two weeks. New teeth before the new year.

I've also decided to address something that has bothered me my entire life: my tooth color. When I was a kid, the doctor gave me tetracycline, which is notorious for discoloring teeth in a pretty serious way. I've hated how my teeth looked for years. I decided on Tuesday that when the crown work is done, after the new year, I'm going to work with my dentist to resolve the issue. It will be stupid expensive, but it's a discomfort I've lived with for decades and I'm just done with it already.

I know, I know: First world problem. But it's my problem and I want to deal with it. It's time.


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