Reasons to be cheerful

Oct 09, 2015 06:06

I've had bad and/or creepy dreams the last couple of nights. One of them made me realize that someone I've thought of as a friend for years isn't really a friend at all. At work, we've received news that means I'm going to have to redo the entirety of my major annual project because the government changed some rules that shape said project. It's meant that the last few days at work have been stressful and exhausting and, frankly, depressing. I've gotten three rejections on a story I love; submission number four is in the mail now. (Some would say that my keeping the story out there is a reason to be cheerful, and I could accept that argument, though having started my writing career by selling, on first submission, everything I wrote, it's hard to take.) Autumn is beginning to make its presence known in Seattle: after a hot, dry summer, the rains are returning and it's cooling off.

All this means it's time for me to remember there are good things I need to stay aware of. This morning, they include:
  • It's Friday!
  • I got a bonus this week for "extraordinary service."
  • The coming seven days are going to be full of people I haven't seen and doing things I haven't done in quite some time.
  • I'm working from home today.
  • I had drinks and dinner with a friend last night whom I haven't seen in ages.
  • Writing continues, albeit slowly, on the next project.

These are reasons to be cheerful. There is goodness. I needs must remember.
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