Tuesday night burn report

Aug 04, 2015 20:58

Tonight's burned arm report: Shoulder and upper arm feel like they've received a substantial sunburn. Forearm burn looks like the beans have branded themselves into my skin in a deep, eggplant purple, and the area is still tender. The marks are all raised and the group of them, from a certain angle, seem to create an "S" shape; no sign of blistering but for one tiny spot. The one-bean burn near my elbow looks like a giant, raised, purple freckle. Owie.

Sunday night, the ER doc gave me a powerful pain killer that made me crazy-dizzy once it kicked in about an hour after I took it. Last night, I split one of the pills and that kept the dizziness away, but I'm not sure it was as effective as the night before. I certainly slept better last night than I did Sunday night. Unsure what I'm going to do tonight, but if I position myself wrong in bed the discomfort will be real. I'll figure it out. I'm sleepy enough at this writing (at only 8:57 PM) that I'm sure I'll fall asleep. For how long is anyone's guess.

And again I say, "Owie."


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