Terry Pratchett

Mar 13, 2015 07:12

I've never read a Terry Pratchett book. I know, I know. You don't have to say it. I never had the privilege of meeting the man. Here's what I want to say about his passing. My Facebook and LiveJournal feeds are full of anecdotes about him. They are part personal experience with him and part reminiscence about reading his work, about the joy his work brought, about how smart and funny it is, about how smart and funny and kind he was.

First, if any of us are remembered with even half the love and goodwill this man is, we will have done life right in a manner of which we can be proud. Second, I find it extraordinary that I'm fortunate enough to travel in a circle blessed with his presence and with personal reminiscences about him. How lucky are my friends to have even had a passing moment with him! Of the millions of readers who mourn his passing only as a name on a book cover, how lucky are we few to have been in such close proximity. What a fortunate community we share.

Respect, Sir Terry. You did it right. And yes, I promise, I'll read your work. Should have done it sooner.

“I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.”
― Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

books, passages

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