Notes to self: Autumn 2014 edition

Sep 17, 2014 07:18

1) Must get full-spectrum lamp. Autumn is here; winter is coming. While I don't expect any frost zombies to come over the hill (thanks for that particular nightmare, GRRM), it is reasonable for me to expect the blues that come with darkness. A full-spectrum lamp can fix this. How many years have I been talking about doing this? This needs to be the year.

2) I've done it again: overbooked myself to the point of needing to cancel an appointment. I need to get a grip and keep a better eye on my work and personal calendars so this won't happen again.

3) I need to take some time to sit down and analyze the trend I've observed over the last few years of the onset of pre-travel anxiety. There must be a reason for it.

4) More focus at work will help me finish up the things that are due. I can't let that one manager, with her my-bad-planning-is-your-project-crisis issue and her ALL-CAPS COMMUNICATION STYLE, rattle me.

5) I really need to work on the stuff for the condo association. I've been distracted (in some respects quite pleasurably) the last couple of weeks but I really need to get control of this stuff.

6) I really want an hour to just sit with the cats in perfect, companionable silence and to relax. Things have been happening too quickly.

7) Must work with JL to organize the brisket-off. MUST do that.

8) Must write. Now that the Guide to Combat is delivered, I must be disciplined about the writing. Apply ass to chair. Open a vein. That's the only way it happens.

note to self

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