The Women in Black

Jul 24, 2014 17:38

Every Thursday, the Women in Black stand in silent vigil on the edge of Westlake Park handing out flyers. Each week the flyer is always the same on the back, providing information about what they do--silently protest violence and injustice in the world. The front of the flyer usually addresses the issue about which they are protesting.

This week, predictably, it's the war between Gaza and Israel.

Usually there are three or four women out there in their black coats with their banners. This week there were nine, most holding up their banner and all holding out their flyers.

I have made a point not to get into discussions about Israel. My ambivalence about its actions is enormous; on the one hand, I deplore the situation the Palestinians are in and on the other, I understand why the Israelis have taken their stand. I have no solutions and no illusions that I could discuss the subject with any kind of dispassion. It leaves me at a disadvantage with anyone who feels passionately one positive way or the other.

Now understand: the Women in Black give more column inches to the Palestinian side of the equation but they do give consideration to the Israeli side as well. Still, the disproportion of their coverage--and of the whole situation--bothers me. I was glad to see them mention Israel at all.

I don't know what else to say, really. I just wanted to note the difference in this week's vigil because I see these women every week out there, making a statement, and the difference this week was marked.

"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."--Nelson Mandela

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