Stop flinging dead people in my face

Jul 16, 2014 22:25

[ rant mode ]

Over the last three days, three people--two on Facebook and one in email--have insisted on posting graphic, horrifying images of war dead. I understand these people have points to make. I am aware that there's a nightmare's nightmare going on in Israel and Gaza. I know how privileged I am not to live in a war zone. And perhaps I'm a princess for asking this--so be it if I am--but, people, PLEASE! Stop flinging corpses in my face! Good freaking G-d!

I'm angry about what's happening over there. I don't need the random baby-with-its-brains-blown-out image to stoke my fury. I stopped being supportive of Israel a long time ago. The dream of the original settlers has been lost in what Israel has become--perhaps what it's been forced to become. I can't support the Palestinians, either. They've lived for the destruction of Israel since the very beginning. At this point, my feeling is "a plague on both their houses."

Anyone who posts an image like that in a public forum, though, is there to generate heat, not light. And as soon as you start to do that, you lose me. You lose me completely. Because it demonstrates that you're not interested in dialogue or enlightenment. You're interested in controversy, argument and ill-feeling, not the building of bridges and the binding of wounds. A plague on your house, too.

[/rant mode]

hate, rants, current events

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