Renovation: Step Two--the microwave

May 05, 2014 07:29

The microwave is too big. It hasn't arrived yet, and won't for another three-and-a-half weeks, but this morning I checked out its measurements online and realized that it's too tall for the space in which it's intended to go. If I get it and install it, then I'll have about 16 inches between its bottom and the stove top to cook--and that's not enough. Yes, the cabinets are pretty low. ::sigh:: I need to call over to Home Depot and change out the order for the microwave with an order for an ordinary stove hood. It's either that, or start shopping for kitchen cabinets and a kitchen designer stat.

So, a couple of things about the microwave. First, until now, I've never had one. Honestly, I haven't missed it. Everyone keeps telling me it will change my life, but I've used microwaves occasionally and my experience has been that they're imprecise and when I heat water for tea in them, the water always tastes funny. My experience has been that they're good for cooking frozen food and for making baked potatoes. For this I need a whole separate appliance? Second, I felt pushed into getting the microwave. I'm more likely to use the dishwasher that I didn't buy than the microwave I did.

As someone on Facebook said, this is how renovations get started. I'm not emotionally ready for that. When I renovate the full kitchen, I want time to prepare, I want to make choices that I'm happy with, not just choices that I had to make because I HAD to make them. That's how I ended up with my last car: feeling pushed and like I had to solve a problem immediately rather than feeling I was getting what I wanted when and how I wanted it. I'll be damned if I'm going to pushed into this project. I want to walk into it on my own propulsion with my own motivation and in my own time.

I'm frustrated and irritated. Some of it might have to do with this morning's overcast. But some of it has to do with this sense that I don't have any control over a process that is mine to control. This sense that I've been told I don't know what I'm doing. This sense that my choices aren't valid by someone else's standard, whether or not that's actually the case.

There's a bigger issue going on here. I haven't felt right in weeks, not physically, not emotionally. I have an inkling of what's going on and I'm not ready for that either.


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