The second of May, the second of May...

May 02, 2014 07:13

. . . new refrigerator shopping begins today. ::sigh::

Yesterday I worked at home and heard the refrigerator making sounds I'd never heard before. It sounded like it might be the fridge equivalent of a car trying--and failing--to start. When I opened the fridge this morning? Warm. Not even cool. Warm. There go all the groceries. In fact, it's still making that sound, even as I type--a low buzz-then-click and nothing. Time to go appliance shopping.

The frugal shopper in me thinks I should just go get a cheap fridge and forget about it. The homeowner in me thinks: you know, all your appliances are nearly 40 years old. Your dishwasher hasn't worked in forever. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead (the range still works) and get yourself a whole new suite: fridge, range, dishwasher.

Of course, there goes the dent I'd made in my debt--debt that I could finally see the end of. I'd be furious if I weren't so tired of something money-related getting out in front of me every time I think I'm nearly finished. There go my plans for Saturday--no editing, no writing, just . . . appliance shopping.

In other circumstances this shopping would be fun; this means more modern appliances that will be reliable and more energy- and cost-efficient--and I can choose colors I prefer to the bleh-almond I have now. But I've got research ahead of me. I've got fears about spending too much because I don't know enough. I just . . . wilt at the thought of all this.

homeownership, money

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