Norwescon is this weekend

Apr 16, 2014 06:30

Norwescon is this weekend and I'll most definitely be there! I'm scheduled starting Thursday night, so I'll definitely be around the hotel. Although I've attended both Orycon and Foolscap over the last few months, I feel like it's been ages since I attended a convention. I'm looking forward to it--in a quiet, contemplative way. Here's my schedule; hope I'll see you there!

Thursday 8:00pm-9:00pm
The "Panel" Panel
Cascade 3&4
Tips and tricks on being a good moderator, pro, or panelist at a convention. What's your job, really, when your name appears after a panel description in a program book? How do you keep it on-topic and interesting for the audience? And what do you do when some blowhard in the back row thinks they know more than you?

Fri 3:00pm-4:00pm
You and Me (But Mostly Me)
Cascade 6
Working with a developmental editor can be a dream come true or a nightmare. Learn the ins and outs of collaborative storytelling, and hold onto your vision while (gasp) sharing creative control.

Sat 10:00am-11:00am
Putting the Epic in Epic Fantasy
Cascade 7&8
Epic fantasy is different - but why? What makes it epic? Is it the immersion in a new world, or just the sheer weight of the book? Come join us as we talk about this massive subgenre of fantasy and what makes it tick.

Sun 10:00am-11:00am
The History of Fanfiction
Cascade 6
One might think that fanfiction is something that came into being sometime around the 1960s, born out of a passionate love of Star Trek and other shows of the time... but one would be wrong! The idea of fanfiction has been around for a long, loooooooong time, it just wasn't given that name until fairly recently, historically speaking. Come and learn about the long and entertaining history of fanfiction over time and throughout the years and check out a few "relics".


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