Not the morning I was looking for

Feb 04, 2014 07:11

I had a perfectly lovely evening last night, attending the Paramount Theater's Silent Movie Monday with SA to see the first-ever cinematic adaptation of "Peter Pan" with live accompaniment. The music was provided by Jim Riggs playing the theater's Mighty Wurlitzer, a magnificent machine that produces remarkable, orchestral music, along with harpist Leslie McMichael, providing additional music. The score was composed by both Riggs and McMichael--separate scores that they interleaved for the performance. The movie was charming and the music quite lovely.

Came home and went to bed early, completely wiped out but very happy.

My plan was to get up, shower, have breakfast, write a check for my neighbor who did some electrical work for me last weekend, and then head to the bus.

Th best laid plans of Zeke's human owner seldom go well . . . because I discovered that Zeke had overturned a plant pot. So now, instead of getting to work nice and early, I'll be late because I have to clean up his damn mess and try to save the African violet that he overturned.


ezekiel, the kitties, plants, movies

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