Post-"Tehran" non-binding reading poll

Aug 06, 2013 19:22

I just finished reading Reading Lolita in Tehran which I recommend to anyone who has read Nabakov, James, Fitzgerald and Austen, and who has an interest in recent history. I picked up the book on vacation a couple of weeks ago because I'd left home the book I was in the midst of and needed something to fill the void. It was an excellent choice, a fascinating story of an English lit professor teaching a private class of women in revolutionary Iran in the 1990s. The book got a lot of buzz at the time of its publication for its timeliness and the courage of its protagonist and her students. But so much of the book centers not around her private reading group but, rather, the classes she taught at universities in Tehran, both the male and female students she encountered, and how she dealt with the religious and political changes that took place. And, yes, there's a lot of discussion of the books she taught. She writes eloquently about Lolita, about Gatsby, Daisy Miller and others. It's well worth the read, regardless of when one reads it, and it provides a remarkable view into a particular era in Middle Eastern history.

So now I need another book--so many books, so little time!

Poll Non-binding poll: What should Janna read next?
If you have another recommendation, please note it in the comments.

polls, books

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