Independence Day at Boom Boom Central

Jul 05, 2013 07:33

Apparently I celebrate all holidays the same way: Chinese food and a movie.

In what has become an annual July 4th tradition, ironymaiden picked me up and we met a group of friends at Jumbo's for dim sum. The food was delicious and the group was, as ever, congenial, funny, and full of good feeling. I made a date with some of the folks there for an evening at Banya 5 spa later next week. We had an excellent time.

Celebrating my independence from work for the day, when I got home I read the internets, played with the cats, and took a nap.

I then woke up, got on a bus, and headed over to meet varina8 for a burger and a viewing of The Audience at SIFF. Helen Mirren really is a national treasure of the British theater. Her portrayal of Queen Elizabeth is just marvelous and the script is wonderful. If you have an opportunity to see this film of the stage production, I highly recommend it.

I got home about a half hour before the fireworks at Lake Union got started, and stayed indoors to be with the kitties. For those of you who don't know, Lake Union is four blocks from my house, and the Lake Union show is the big, municipal celebration. It always sounds like there's combat going on in the streets outside my building. It was Zeke's first Independence Day, and I had no idea how he'd deal with the noise. Well, he didn't like it very much at all. He huddled under the bed, growling. Sophie cuddled up on the bed with me. We all survived and are fine this morning. I'm glad the fireworks are only once a year.

Now, don't get me wrong: I love fireworks--but my kitties don't, and since they have no understanding of what's going on, I feel like I should be here, that maybe it will make them feel safer. I don't know that it does (see above re: Zeke's behavior) but we do what we can. There will always be other opportunities to see fireworks. In the meanwhile, things at Boom Boom Central have quieted down and we can now get back to the business of watching birds from the balcony, harassing me for food, doing gravity experiments and, in general, being cats and living with cats again.

holidays, the kitties, food, movies

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