Five Things Post-Norwescon

Apr 01, 2013 08:46

1) Norwescon was great. As usual I spent time with a lot of awesome people, old friends and new, and didn't have nearly enough time with any of them. I did two panels, three critiques, and finished a short story that I've been bashing away at for a month (on which more in another LJ post, I suspect). I attended two panels, the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show, and the Molly Lewis/Tony & Vixy concert. I had some good meals and great conversations. I am crispy, but I'm still here.

2) Congratulations to all the Hugo nominees, especially kijjohnson, jaylake, maryrobinette, and grrm. And congratulations all the editors nominated for awards, as well as all the editors whose authors are nominated, because every time an editor is acknowledged for his or her work, the importance of that work is emphasized, and in this new self-publishing world of "crowd-sourced editing," quality that results from the application of training and experience cannot be over-praised.

3) At some point this week, I want to write a post about invisibility vs visibility as it relates to weight. My mileage will almost certainly vary from others', but I had some fascinating experiences this weekend that I really want to unpack and talk about.

4) I came home with three new books, two of which I got at the Baen party as freebies, one of which was the new edition of papersky's novel Farthing, which I've never read and very much want to. I also came home with a hard copy of a magazine--Mike Resnick's new invitation-only, bimonthly magazine Galaxy's Edge. (Hardcopy. How old-skool of me.) The line-up in the premier edition is impressive and I look forward to reading it.

5) It is April 1. With the exception of this post (because I suspect I emptied my credibility store with my stunt several years back), I strongly urge skepticism toward anything you read online today.

Post-script item: I missed the premieres of Doctor Who and Game of Thrones. I pout in poutiness about it.

five things, books, april fool, conventions

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