I should post about just a single thing...

Feb 13, 2013 07:02

...but I have so many things I want to talk about! For a while there, I feel like I was writing an essay every couple of days about really important, interesting things, but these days, I feel like my head is just a jumble and the idea of writing about one single thing seems elusive. What would I write about? Here's a partial list:

--Why is anyone paying attention to Ted Nugent? Or listening to him with regard to matters political? WHY?
--The new job is tickling interesting parts of my brain. This would be more about brain tickling than about the new job.
--I need a new goal. Like, a serious, big goal: travel, writing, art, something.
--What's happening with weight loss and my fitness level.
--What's going on in the wake of the car accident.
--Reading Conservation magazine and everything I feel as I read it.
--What I'm reading during my new bus commute (because I'm reading while commuting--what a novelty!).

And lots of other things. They will have to wait.
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