Foolscap/Potlatch Weekend

Jan 31, 2013 09:21

At long last, just in time for the conventions, Foolscap and Potlatch have posted their schedules so I know what panels I'm on and what panels I want to attend. If you want to know where to find me (assuming I'm not dragged off to the bar, or for a meal, or for shopping), this is it.

Programming I'm on (both Foolscap panels):

9pm - Where Lieth the Line between SF & Fantasy? - Salon III
“It’s a marketing distinction.” “I know what I like.” How does the label affect the way we approach a work?
Panelists: Janna Silverstein, David Levine, Tom Whitmore, Nancy Pearl
scarlettina's notes: I have Opinions. I will share them. And they may not be what you expect. You're going to hear me throwing around a lot of terminology out of my information architecture experience as well as my marketing background.

8pm - What Do My Words Look Like? Salon III
Translating the written word to visual arts - including covers, graphic novels, and the visual feel of a convention.
Panelists: Janna Silverstein, Mark J. Ferrari, Twilight2000, Michel Gagné
scarlettina's notes: I'm excited about this because I get to be the editor amongst the artists. It's going to be fun talking about the editor's side of the discussion.

Panels I'd like to attend (these are all Potlatch panels and didn't list rooms, which worries me, but I'm sure it'll all be clear when I get there--at least, I hope so):

5:00 PM to 6:00 PM The Space Opera Boom
There has been a recent resurgence of Space Opera stories. What makes a story "Space Opera"? How do the recent spate of Space Opera novels differ from their older cousins? Who is writing them and who is reading them? (And what is it with the whole Scottish, Socialist, Space Opera thing anyway?)
Moderator: Nick Fraser

3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Exploring Among Others
Our panelists explore the themes, discuss the style, overview the imagery, and analyze the structure of Among Others. They will also talk about the impact the book had on them, and whether Mor's experiences of discovering other sf readers and fandom reflects their own. Along the way they will ask (and hopefully answer) the most important question:did this book deserve to be an award winner and Potlatch Book of Honor?
Moderator: Karen Anderson
scarlettina's notes: I'm genuinely sorry that I didn't fill out the Potlatch programming survey. I really wanted to be part of this discussion, but I misplaced the survey and by the time I found it, it was too late. Maybe I'll talk to Karen and see if there's room on the panel anyway.

9:00 PM to 10:00 PM Poetry at the Clarion West Café
Cats and kitties, brothers and sisters, fans and fen. Imagine a dimly lit Greenwich Village cafe: tiny tables, a hip crowd, a laid-back bongo player who looks like Maynard G. Krebs. A chalk-board hangs on the bare-brick wall. "Tonight only: Neile Graham, Nisi Shawl, JT Stewart." Can you dig it?
MC: Eileen Gunn
scarlettina's notes: I'll try to find my beret and I'll be sure to snap whenever I hear something awesome. :-)

2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Potlatch: Withered or Whence?
We've been keeping Potlatch alive for a couple of years past what some people felt was its natural expiration date. Is there still a place for Potlatch in the fannish calendar? Is Potlatch an important and useful Karass? Who will carry it into the future if the answer to those questions is "yes"?
Moderator: Tom Whitmore


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