Jan 24, 2013 06:58
1) It is cold and dark, and I have to go get a blood draw done before I hit the road for this weekend's adventure. Joy. ::sigh:: (It's nothing big or scary or medical, just a pre-new-job thing.)
2) I must be getting lazy in my old age. I used to clean the house like a whirlwind before every trip. Last night the cleaning consisted of putting fresh sheets on the bed, taking out the garbage (well, that happens this morning), and cleaning out the sink--no vacuuming, no decluttering, just the basics. I'm so ashamed.
3) It's weird packing for the desert in the middle of winter, especially when I've gotten so used to layering my clothing. I know that Las Vegas won't be as hot as it usually is, it being January and all, but 68 degrees F is a lot warmer than the 30s and 40s we've been having in Seattle.
4) This is the first time in a very long time that I've debated whether or not to bring my camera on a trip. It's Vegas. There are millions of pictures of Vegas online. We won't be getting out into the desert, which I regret but there you are, and we'll be inside a lot. I'm always "have camera, will travel." It's weird to think about not traveling that way. Maybe I'll bring it on the road portion and then at the break point decide whether to take it on the plane with me; I can leave it there safely if the decision goes anti-camera.
5) I have last little bits of packing to do, the sorts of things that are always left until right before you close a suitcase. I should go take care of those.
Bon voyage!