The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding

Jan 11, 2013 08:03

The last freelance project I delivered in 2012 is now available: The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding from Kobold Press, a collection of essays on the subject by some of the top RPG game designers in the business, on the subject of worldbuilding for game play. As it happens, a lot of the thought and insight they offer applies to fiction writing as well. I think we put together a pretty great collection and I'm really quite proud of it. the_monkey_king gave us a gorgeous cover, and I got to work with a terrific designer to get the look of the inside just right. Yesterday, on the Kobold Blog, I talked a little bit about the project.

It's kind of a gift to be able to do a project like this with friends who also happen to be some of the top people in their field--so many people who have worked in role-playing games since almost the beginning, or who came in later to work on some of the most popular and bestselling stuff around. As a friend you get a glimpse into their professional side, and as a professional you're given a front-seat view toward why they are so respected. It's a joy.

So go check it out. My friends--these writers and designers--are brilliant, every one of them, and they offer some great advice on the business of creating worlds.

publication, pimp the book

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