Thinking about Migration

Jan 04, 2013 07:54

So LJ has been wonky this week. Often in the past, wonkiness has not affected me, but today it kept me from reading some of my flist, delayed my being able to comment on someone else's journal and, in general, was being a pain in the ass. I've been a loyal LJ subscriber for nearly 10 years. When things get so bad here that I start to think about moving to a different platform, then you know they've gotten bad. I dislike the new interface styles but I really dislike the periodic wonkiness. It hurts my heart to think about moving elsewhere; LJ has been home for me, with nearly 20,000 accumulated entries over the years. (What to do to preserve same is an issue for consideration fairly soon.)

This impending decision brings with it a number of implications.

I have thought, over the years, of setting up a WordPress blog under my own name. On Dreamwidth I reserved "scarlettina" years and years ago, so it's there if I want it. I know my compatriots here have experience with the move to both DW and WP. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to share your experiences and wisdom on these subjects. What should I be aware of? What should I watch out for? And does it make more sense to build on WP than DW given its flexibility and so on?

And if you're on DW or WP, what names are you using so I can find you?

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