Today is the first day of the rest of the year

Jan 01, 2013 10:02

And if this morning is any indication, then it will be a great year. The sun shines brightly through my kitchen window and the sky is a pure blue with only the faintest hint of haze toward the horizon.

As usual, Zeke beat me up with love to get me out of bed by attempting to nurse on any part of me above my shoulders that he could get to. I put him outside the bedroom and shut the door, garnering an extra hour or so of sleep before Sophie started crying and scratching to get in. Such is the life of a cat companion. But I love them both and wouldn't trade either of them away.

I have put together the list of mundane things I want to get done over the next few days and will be starting on it shortly. One of those things is to put together a notebook for the year of the larger projects I want to complete. The plan is for a three ring binder with divider pages, pockets, and plans that will help me track progress and the elements of each project. Very old school, I know, but I think I need the hands-on exercise to help me be focused and clear. It's made a difference at work (where I do it all in OneNote, which I don't think is available for the Mac--and even if it is, I'm at least one generation of system behind and I'm not sure my circa 2006 machine could handle it).

And yes, one of those projects will be getting my writing back on track. It's a goal for this year. I can't let it sit any more. Prioritizing my writing means deprioritizing other things--which may not go over well with some folks, but it is what it is. Every time I agree to do some project for someone else, one of my own doesn't happen; I can't keep doing that, putting other people's stuff before my own. It's time to make me the priority.
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