It's cold. It's dark. And there are wolves.
I'm looking forward to the coming time off.
My house looks like a hurricane hit it. Certainly, there's no water pooling anywhere it shouldn't be, but the clutter has reached epic proportions and It Must Be Stopped.
Speaking of the house, I've been feeling an urge to purge. See above re: coming time off. I'll be working on that then. There is, for example, no reason for me to own four backpacks. I don't know how that happened. I could have a big one and a little one--two can be justified. Four? Silly.
I have a jewelry project that may take longer than the current time available. I'm a little nervous about this.
Had a little meltdown last night.
oldmangrumpus, reaping karma, got the call. He was stalwart in the face of my mushedness.
The cats. We shall not speak of . . . the cats.
Did I mention that it's cold and dark? And there are wolves.