Things to write about

Dec 10, 2012 22:12

I have a number of things I want to write about here so I'm making a list. If any of these especially interests you, chime in and let me know and perhaps it'll help me prioritize when I write about it.

--rosefox's "Where were you when..." meme: She asked me about when I was 37. That would have been...1999. Hm. I'll have to think about that.

--Otherness at Christmas: jaylake, in his link salad of earlier today, included a link to an essay that was one person's meditation about being Jewish at Christmastime. It provoked a number of thoughts that I wanted to expand upon. Must remember this.

--Ezekiel: My boy is growing and changing and I want to write about that a little bit.

--My most excellent weekend

And beyond all of these, it being December and all, I'm preparing my annual year-end survey to be posted on December 31, no sooner. It's been a helluva year, with all that might convey. This one, with perhaps one or two exceptions, I'm not so excited about reviewing. ::sigh::

to do

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