Ezekiel Day 6: Detente achieved, and future prospects speculated upon

Nov 02, 2012 23:28

A couple of firsts today:

1) I caught Sophie cleaning Ezekiel, washing his head and his back vigorously. One cat doesn't do that to another without at least some settling of affairs between them. For the last couple of days they've been chasing each other around the house; it's been entertaining to watch. He's so much littler than she is, but he more than holds his own. Yes, I'd say they're getting acquainted.

2) I had them both snoozing on my lap at the same time tonight. Sophie has started to surreptitiously sleep on the bed again (she sneaks in after I fall asleep, but I can feel her at my feet when I wake up). Between the lap sitting and the sneaky sleeping-with-me, I think I may be forgiven for bringing this little interloper into the house. I'm so happy about that. I've missed her so much and have been so sad that she was upset with me.

He, as it turns out, is quite an assertive little guy, taking what he wants--which is usually lap space, or Sophie's tail whenever he can get it. When he does get what he wants, you can hear him purring across the room.

I've been looking at his fur, and I think that when he's grown what we'll have here is a cat with medium-length fur. His coat is kind of woolly--a short undercoat with a longer, fluffier overcoat, but his face is very sleek. It's an interesting combination. He always looks a little as though he forgot to brush his hair. He's also gone, in just a week, from being a little roly-poly to a little rangy. He's eating plenty and stops when he's no longer hungry; the vet said he's a good weight for his age, but I want to make sure he continues to be the right age-weight proportion so I'm making sure he's got food that he likes.

We're achieving a new normal around here. This has all happened, in fact, much more quickly than I expected, about which I'm quite gratified. They seem to be getting along. I hope that eventually they'll be great friends. That was the point of the whole exercise after all.

ezekiel, the kitties

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