Announcing a new addition

Oct 29, 2012 07:54

From as early as six months before my departure for Europe, it was evident that Sophie needed more company than I could provide. She'd see me out as I went to work. She'd be waiting for me by the door when I got home, and then she'd be all over me while I was here. When I returned from Europe, two of my three cat sitters observed that she really needed company, and so I decided that once I'd been home a couple of weeks, the search for a second cat would begin.

My plan was to try to find a male cat somewhere between one to two years of age. This plan was fine in theory, but reality had other ideas. I saw HUMONGOUS boys who would have completely freaked out Sophie. I saw boys the perfect age and size who were simply not interested in me -- or in other cats, both requirements for this position. And I looked at a lot of cats.

And then, though I was reluctant to do so, I started looking at kittens. ::sigh:: I really didn't want a kitten, but I did want company for Sophie. What I found was a dark gray kitten with subtle striping, lots of spirit, and a definite interest in other cats.

He's a handful, a soft, delightful handful, really a little love. He loves to cuddle and play, and is curious about everything (naturally). Unfortunately, Sophie is not so very pleased with the new addition. They're past the hissing stage, and are now being more exploratory about each other. But Sophie isn't happy with me at all. I know that these things take time and I'm sure she'll come around, but right at the moment, it's making me a little heartsick that she won't come to sleep with me at night, or cuddle, or pretty much anything. I miss her.

My plan, for whatever plans are worth when it comes to cats, is to just bide my time, continue to play treat games with Sophie to remind her that I'm her friend and hope for the best. It's going to be some hard weeks, though.

kitties, ezekiel

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