Five Things for my Second Weekend Home

Oct 20, 2012 08:17

1) Lighting a virtual candle in memory of Danny Lieberman, part of the Malibu clan, who left us yesterday for that Great Bike Trail in the Sky. I only knew Danny slightly, but for some reason, his passing hit me hard. Last time I saw him was at Renovation and it was all too fleeting a moment. He was healthy then, and robust, and I was running somewhere. ::sigh:: Godspeed, Danny. (As I wrote on Facebook, please don't leave condolence notes for me. Please leave them for those who knew him better and for whom the loss is greater: suricattus, kradical, wrenn, and quarkwiz. Or, ride your bike in his honor. I suspect that would have pleased him.)

2) I'm finally over the post-trip jet lag. I think that Wednesday night/Thursday morning was my first normal sleep/wake pattern, and I've been sleeping like a brick since then, for which I'm truly grateful.

3) I'm finally finishing emptying out my suitcase from the trip this morning. Does it take anyone else this long to completely unpack after a trip? Seems like it happens every time for me.

4) My election ballot arrived yesterday--or was it the day before? Anyway, it will be filled out before the weekend is over. I'm looking forward to it, actually.

5) Speaking of voting, Washington's voting on same-sex marriage. Here's another way to look at it: In Washington state, if you have a domestic partnership, you still can't make healthcare decisions on behalf of your partner when their lives are on the line. Domestic partnership doesn't allow it; marriage--civil marriage--does. It's not a religious issue. It's an equal rights issue. It's a humanitarian issue. Vote in support of gay marriage. Let people who love each other take care of each other. It's the civil thing to do.

politics, passages, travel

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