I'm the Answer!

Jul 30, 2012 16:53

Over on Facebook, multi-Hugo Award-winning artist Bob Eggleton started quoting the Steve Miller song, "The Joker":

"Some people call me the space cowboy.
Some call me the gangster of love.
Some people call me Maurice
'Cuz I speak of the pompatus of love..."

And there it was: that phrase that has baffled millions: the pompatus of love. And Bob asked, "What IS the pompetous of love? Is it a word?"

And thus went the conversation:
Me: The Internets know everything, Bob.
Bob: I knew you would have the answer Janna. You always do. Janna is the Answer.
ladyjestocost: Beat me to it, Janna Silverstein, by mere seconds. Sigh.
Michael J. Walsh: Janna - You beat me by seconds!
Bob: Janna beats us all...
Me: That's why Janna has been known to wear black leather to conventions and has been called by more than one of her authors "Mistress." Some truths cannot be denied. ;-)

chatter, silly, funny

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