Five Things for a Pleasant Tuesday Evening

Jul 24, 2012 22:16

1) Just saw the extraordinary Danny Boyle's Frankenstein at SIFF with EB and was completely blown away. If you have any chance to see this filmed version of the National Theater's production, do not pass GO, do not collect $200--go directly to see it. It's astonishing and you'll never think of Frankenstein the same way again.

2) It is really, really difficult to reassimilate into the real world when you've had a fabulous weekend. I'm still not entirely here.

3) I'm so behind on so many projects right now. I need to fix this.

4) I need to make a post about PostCrossing at some point. I want to share some of the beautiful postcards I've received as a result of my participation.

5) I need to join a gym again. Being diligent about tracking my points isn't enough at this point in my weight-loss journey. I need to start working my body, not just my self-discipline and my head now.

weight loss, five things, postcards, movies, theater

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