The Friday Sillies

Jun 22, 2012 15:56

Scene: Coworker and I are in instant messaging discussing the movement of a new website from the sandbox (the location where we build the site) to the live site (where it will be available for company employees to see and use). This process is called migration. I've just completed the final phase before next week's release.

Coworker: You are now ready for the Great Migration!
Me: Hee
Coworker: I'll have lots of coffee in the morning on Monday so I'll be ready to help.
Me: Will there be wildebeests?
Coworker: YES
Me: YAY! Wildebeests! And coffee, just in case. :)
Coworker: Yes. It's a little known fact that wildebeests require great quantities of coffee just prior to migrating.
Me: Who knew?
Coworker: No one knows how they carry their coffee mugs. A great mystery of science.
OK, Friday lunacy is taking hold...
Me: We should launch a research project on wildebeests, coffee, and Friday lunacy. Perhaps they are related.
Coworker: Excellent hypothesis! I wonder if we can get a grant.

So if any of you know anyone providing grants for wildebeests and caffeine research, please let me know.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled LJ.

chatter, silly, work, funny

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