Five things make for posting

Jun 14, 2012 19:38

1) Recently, when I told my doctor that I've been much more sensitive to the cold over the last eight months, I asked if she had any ideas about why this might be. Could it be oncoming menopause? Could there be something else? What might it be a symptom of, I asked. "Weight loss," she answered. Oh.

2) On this same subject, my bed isn't as comfortable as I thought it was. I have been told that it's not because the bed's not as well padded as I thought. It's because I'm no longer as well padded as I was. These are the things they don't tell you about weight loss.

3) Yesterday was stressful due to the conflict mentioned in my last post. Today was stressful due to a project at work. Tonight I came home to another stress-inducing thing. Actually, it's a stress-enhancing thing, because it's the result of new stress that manifested late last week and that I'll have to continue dealing with for another week or two. I am, officially, exhausted.

4) Check your credit rating. Seriously. Right now. Get a credit report and check it. I wasn't checking mine regularly and just got a nasty surprise. Really. Do it. You'll thank me.

5) Big plans are being made. Big. Plans. When I have more elements in place, I'll talk about them. But for the moment? For the moment I'll just say that it's going to be a pretty awesome autumn.

weight loss, five things

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