Notes for myself--and others, if you're curious or have an opinion

Jun 08, 2012 08:20

It's been a crazy-hard-busy spring here at Chez scarlettina: busy, difficult, and so on. But there are things I really want to write about. Perhaps making a list will help me achieve the goal of LJ catch-up.

Things I Want to Write About (in no particular order, even though the list is numbered)

1. Growing up to do a job that didn't exist when you were a kid (possibly in the form of a commencement address--or not)
2. Reviews of the last two SIFF documentaries I saw (We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists and The Revisionaries)
3. My epic autumn trip, currently in the partly-planned stage
4. My impending landmark birthday and the planned (and unplanned) celebrations
5. My ongoing ruminations about the possibility of getting another cat
6. Game of Thrones -- the TV version
7. The general busy-ness of life and what's doing here and there

Any preferences for what I write about first?

Today after work, I'll be preparing for a whirlwind overnight trip to parts south for JayCon, staying with some of my most favorite people. It will be the first time I drive south since the car accident last fall. I'm having mild anxiety about it, but I've done it a million times before. The accident was an anomaly. And one can only get back up on the horse by getting back up on the horse, right? And so we go. . . .

to do, note to self

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