SIFF 2012: And so it begins...

May 03, 2012 16:36

Last night, varina8 and I went to see the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) member preview. Basically, it's an evening before the festival starts when the programmers all get up and talk about their favorite picks, and then members get two hours more-or-less of trailers to watch. I love this event. Before I was a member, I always felt like I was shooting in the dark when choosing my films. The preview really gives members a leg up on what to see and why. The trailers were mostly really strong, and only a couple of them discouraged me rather than encouraged me to see a film. I took copious notes and marked up my checklist like crazy. Now starts the choosing and winnowing-down process. It's always so hard, with a limited number of tickets, to make the choices, and one can only hope to make good ones. But I feel pretty well-armed. I did pretty well last year, and I'll be consulting with well-informed friends about my selections, too. I'll post my choices (and the runners-up) once they're final.

It's movie season in Seattle. Yay!

siff 2012

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