What Could Happen?

Apr 16, 2012 20:16

I've heard any number of writers talk about keeping a notebook as they write their novels, something in which they record minutiae of all sorts. Because this thing I've been working on for so long has been taking so long, I decided to start a notebook for it, separate from the actual novel itself. My idea was that it be not just a place to keep ( Read more... )


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herself_nyc April 17 2012, 14:50:32 UTC
Good suggestion.
Did you wind up using Scrivener, by the way? Do you like it? What's superior about it to just using Word?


scarlettina April 17 2012, 14:59:16 UTC
I did wind up using Scrivener and I like it quite a bit. Scrivener isn't just a word processor. It has all sorts of features intended to make the structure of the novel more visible to the author as the book proceeds. It provides a view that lets you summarize each chapter in a way that's available no matter where you are in the book. It allows you to tag chapters for content so that you can track what happens when or how often a particular plot thread is touched. You can see an outline view of the book. It's quite all encompassing, and the structure tools--in the form of index cards on a bulletin board--make things visible that I would never have noticed otherwise. You can port the book out of the software and into a Word format. You can move chapters or scenes around individually or in bulk without selecting pages of text and fearing their loss in transit. Lots of stuff is so much easier in general ( ... )


herself_nyc April 17 2012, 15:03:12 UTC
Thanks for that! Very convincing. Is it relatively easy to import a novel in progress into it? I've already got some 600 pages of material in Word docs. Also, what did it cost?


scarlettina April 17 2012, 15:13:00 UTC
Costs about $45ish, maybe $55--I bought it earlier this year and don't remember precisely. I found it easy to port the manuscript in. There is some set-up work involved, in that if the book is in chapters, you may have to rebreak them once they're in the software in order to make everything visible. I strongly recommend you take some time with the trial and run through at least part of the tutorial to get a sense of whether or not it will work for you before you do all that work. The trial is free for 30 days.


herself_nyc April 17 2012, 16:10:38 UTC
Just watched the 10 min tutorial and I think this software is just what I need at this point in the project. Going to try it out. Thanks!!!!


ext_995057 April 17 2012, 18:23:18 UTC
Quickie addition. Scrivener is free for 30 days of Actual Use. If you don't write every day, it's not just a month of calender time.


green_knight April 18 2012, 17:23:20 UTC
(Er, wandered in from Twitter. Hi ( ... )


herself_nyc April 18 2012, 17:57:53 UTC
My characters don't have enemies lists. ;)

But thanks for these comments. I'm going to stick with Scrivener because I've already started figuring it out. Don't want to be distracted until I either do or don't.


scarlettina April 18 2012, 18:53:55 UTC
Most of the writers I know who use software like this use Scrivener, but I know there are tribes that prefer Storyist. I think it comes down to what you try first and what works. I've thought about investgiating Storyist but so far Scrivener has worked well for me. It's good to be aware of alternatives, though, for sure. Thanks for the rec!

(And hi! ::grin::)


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