There is Too Much. Let Me Sum Up

Feb 24, 2012 13:56

Despite my extremely well-ordered to-do list, I feel a little overwhelmed by everything that's happening in the next few days--which actually all started this morning.

1) Job interview: This morning's interview materialized a day or two ago. Interesting company. Went well. I have . . . thoughts about it, but will not share for the moment. We'll see what happens.

2) Clothing consignment: My first attempt at clothing consignment worked out pretty well. Several months back, I dropped some stuff off at Two Big Blondes plus-size consignment and recently received a modest but acceptable check; all the clothes I'd given them had sold. Today, after the aforementioned interview, I went and dropped off some spring clothes for consignment--12 hangers, which included some favorite, hard-to-let-go tops, the dress I wore to my brother's wedding, and a couple of pairs of slacks. The hole in my closet is considerable, though not so large as I might have expected. Still, some of this is me divesting myself of stuff; some of it is making space for new clothes that will fit a smaller me. It's a net good.

3) Skills assessment: I'm currently in the running for a job, the company for which has asked me to do what they refer to as homework and what I refer to as a skills assessment. It might also be construed as freelance work, and I'll bill them if my work shows up on their web site. It's not an inconsiderable amount of work, but I understand why companies do this and what they're looking for, so I'll do it because I want the job. But my time is compromised because of my prior commitment for this weekend, which is . . .

(ETA: First draft of skills assessment completed. Stepping away to let it gel. Will review tomorrow and then get it off to the employer in question.)

4) Potlatch 21: I'm on three panels and will be going, also, to attend the banquet, donate to the auction and, in general, enjoy myself. Schedule:

2 PM: Deconstructing A Canticle for Leibowitz
7 PM: Blocking Writer's Block

3 PM: Short Story, Novella, or Novel

It's going to be a whirlwind; I'm going to fret about parking until I figure it out (the hotel is in a challenging spot for parking); and my Sunday is going to be difficult because . . .

5) The Oscars: The awards show starts at 4 PM, when my last panel at Potlatch ends, and I had invited a few people over to my place to watch. I've already arranged for some friends to open the house so that guests can come and watch the show from the beginning. But somewhere in here, I'd hoped to give the house some kind of once-over with a dust cloth or vacuum, and to maybe make some food. I'm feeling . . . challenged as a result of this.

6) Another job interview: On the heels of Potlatch, I have a job interview on Monday morning. Two hours, no waiting, on the Eastside.

7) Rainforest Writers Village: After all of this madness, I disappear for five days for a writing retreat. Cat sitting has been arranged and I should have some time for house cleaning before I depart, but if one more job interview is scheduled before my departure (and one may very well be), it'll make things that much more challenging. Don't get me wrong: interviews are good--we want interviews. But my time is short and I'm trying not to lose my hair in all this.

OK, OK, not really a summary. I think I needed to vent. Madness. Madness! But I'll manage. I think maybe, though, first, a cup of tea is in order. . . .

tv, job hunting, clothes, conventions

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