Potlatch in specific and conventions in general

Feb 09, 2012 12:16

I spoke to jackwilliambell this morning and, as a result of affection and wheedling, he provided me with my schedule for Potlatch 21:

2 PM: Deconstructing A Canticle for Leibowitz
7 PM: Blocking Writer's Block

3 PM: Short Story, Novella, or Novel

I hadn't originally volunteered for the deconstruction panel because I haven't read the book in decades, but Jack was persuasive, and so today one of my tasks is to go find a copy and get reading. I will be keeping a notebook by my side as I read and will be Thinking Deep Thoughts as I go. I hope Jack appreciates it. ;-)

And with that, I seem to have scheduled the one convention I'll be getting to for sure this spring.

Nope, I won't be going to Norwescon. My brother, sister-in-law, and niece will be in town that weekend, and I'm not going to even try to persuade them that driving to Seatac, attempting to find parking, and attending a science fiction convention is a good way to spend one of their few precious days while visiting. It's only the second time that my Bro has visited me in nearly 20 years. I'm not inflicting Norwescon upon the unsuspecting, even if he is a geek. (The spouse and child are not geeks, for what it's worth. It's a mixed marriage.) I'll miss attending, I admit--there are lots of folks I don't often get to see outside the convention. I'm trying to make some plans outside the convention to address that issue. But this year, weirdly, no Norwescon for me.

As for the rest of the year, the potential for convention attendance is sketchy at best. The one thing I was considering seriously was WorldCon, but I've also been considering going to Europe as a Landmark Birthday gift to myself. If said European excursion materializes, then WorldCon is off the table. Now, I know that World Fantasy will be held in Brighton in 2013, which could provide a terrific launching or concluding point for a European trip, except that I'm not so sure about that time of the year. So, anyway, I'm hoping that 2012 will be the year of Europe for scarlettina. And the potential for my going to OryCon in 2012 is stronger than it's been in quite some time. More news about my travel plans as things develop....

ETA: I will also be attending Foolscap. It's on the radar. It's just a long way off yet.

travel, conventions

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