Torchwood Magazine LOL and Fail

Mar 29, 2010 19:40

I was flipping through the latest issue of Torchwood Magazine at B&N (which I've decided I love, btw, because it reminds me so much of the Teen Beat/Tiger Beat mags of my youth in where they take 500 words of real news and somehow manage to spin it into 50,000 words of copy, with the added short stories and comics) when I turned to the "Take Over Torchwood And See Your Story In Print!*" feature. Seems they are having a short story writing contest for unpublished authors to get their story printed in the magazine. As part of the feature were little blurbs of writing advice from various Torchwood writers including James Moran, Guy Adams, Andy Lane, James Goss etc. Goss gave a Do/Don't list that included this gem:

Do: Give Ianto lots to do. You can never have enough Ianto. Just look at Livejournal

I lol'd.

Then I got to The Rules and shook my head at this caveat:

The tone of the story must be appropriate for a mainstream audience and in keeping with other Torchwood stories before and after - so no rewriting history, no fundamental alterations to the set-up of the show, and no slash fiction/erotica.

I don't quite know how to take that. Do they mean that there can be no Jack/Ianto relationship even though it is canon? And, if so, is that relationship not considered "mainstream". Or do they consider slash to be sexy gay times thus on par with erotica, which I also find a bit offensive. Or maybe their definition of slash is 'non-canonical homosexual pairings' and since Jack/Ianto *is* canon, it's just considered a relationship which is cheering.

I don't know. What say you flist?

*actual copy from front cover

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