Having to use the desktop is KILLING ME! Our office is slightly isolated from the rest of the house and it's hard to sneak away while we're still in that tenuous position of all four children learning to be with each other full-time again. It's all hearts and roses for long spates and then WW III errupts. Usually because someone destroyed a LEGO creation, lost at Monopoly, stole the purple crayon or ate the last graham cracker.
I certainly don't have much time to read fic BUT
TW100 is holding a drabble tag which is all kinds of fun. Nice little bite sized nuggets of goodness that I can reach out and grab in seconds. And the prompts are fantastic! Right now the outstanding tags are:
DI Swanson confesses
Travelling Ianto wherever/whenever
Suzie and Lisa
The afterlife(lives) Jack thinks exists
Crossover to Old Skewl Who - Jack and Benton maybe
Jack/Lex Luthor
Jack/Swanson, truce
Jack/Ianto shopping for clothes
I wish I had the time to craft a drabble. But, if you want to take pity on me go join in!
(If you've never drabble tagged, it's easy - write one of the prompts and then add your prompt at the end so someone can write something for you. Easy-peasy and we all get lots of gratuitous fic. YAY!)