May 22, 2005 20:12
ahhh.. today was good actually. i think things might be comming together for me. AND this has nothing to do with chris- he has nothing to do today since well he didnt even call me like he said he was but i dont care i was sleeping. well anyways today was good. i got my car all clean and nice. got almost all my hwk done (dammit, its all due tomarrow), and i got a job and i went kayaking. onw of my neighbors is like a lawyer and needed someone to take care of her house for like a year. so she is paying me $200-$400 a month, depending on how much i want to work. its $10 an hour, max of 40 hours a week. its so sweet. plus, when i get my weedwacking done at this guys house, i get $100 bucks..oh yeah. that moneys most likely going to go towards chris to help him with his prom tux, dammit.
i got a really good work out today. i kayaked for 2 hours from the point on the lake, to the upper crossing which is farrr away. i got really tan atleast. (my full body tan is now farther away now that i got another bathing suit tan:(GRRRR)
ive decided that im going to focus on getting better at surfing, so im going to start conditioning. today i swam a lil and i got this workout for surfing out of one of my magazines, so lets hope that works. im going to go surfing tomarrow hopefully. wel will see.
well, i still have to get atleast one more of my reading logs done before i call chris for the night so i gtg.