Jan 16, 2006 12:49
Friday night after work I took the boys to see Hoodwinked at the movies. It was cute but dumb. Not particularly something I wanted to sit through. Rob stayed home. I figured I'd give him a break from the boys for a couple of hours.
Rob took the boys to visit their grandparents and great-grandmother (the one that is living-that is.) She gave the boys talking watches. They love them.
About 11 am I went to work at DFH. Didn't really have anything planned so we just did some errands. N*** had to go to the bank in Glen Burnie. His daughter who is a director at AFH called to tell him his pager was giving a busy signal. So we had to run back to DFH to forward the business line to his cell rather than pager. Then we went to the mall b/c N***'s RayBan glasses broke and I mentioned one time there is a store that sells them in the mall, so I showed him where to go (he'd never been there since the mall opened originally) to get a new pair or get his repaired. Anyhow, I figured that was cool, I needed to get some more of this body lotion I'm out of. Kind of embarrassing but went to Victoria Secret's and I was so pissed, looked like a bunch of damn locusts came through that store and wiped out my lotion--just so happens they were on sale by one get one free so they had NONE left. Greedy-ass Bitches!!!! So I thought well I'm almost out of the other kind I could get at another store and I was chatting with N*** but I didn't want to drag him all over the damn mall because I know its not his thing but we really didn't have anything otherwise to do and he said he didn't mind...(we were waiting for a body to arrive at his FH at that point) so we got there and I told him he could wait outside b/c it'd be weird but he was like oh no I wanna check this out. LOL I didn't meant to but I think I kind of offended him when I asked if he could use the stairs or does he need the elevator. He laughed and was like I know I'm old but I'm not THAT damn old! LMAO I apologized but he has an old gunshot wound to his knee so I didn't know if that was a problem. I did, however, discover on the second floor that he was terrified of heights and was scared to death walking up there and being able to see down! Woops! He's so funny, he just cracks me up sometimes.
Back at the DFH I was surprised to see the lady on the table...what we thought were old dried out scabs in in scalp was actually, literally, her skull. I know it sounds grotesque but it was like, as if the layer of skin on her scalp just sort of worn off over time...I mean, hard to explain, it wasn't like I looked at her and went "ewwww...." but it's just the thought of that being exposed bone made me suck in air through my teeth. She apparently had skin cancer.
I was called in to work at AFH for about 4 hours while D, N***'s daughter, had an arrangement to do (the family of the lady we had embalmed the day before.) Anyhow, I was to leave AFH and go to DFH to help N*** dress her, but I had to bring the lady's clothes from AFH to DFH with me. I don't know why but on my way it suddenly struck me as odd that I had a dead woman's clothes, wigs, glasses and bible in MY car with me.
After work (Rob is feeling sick) so I suggested we go to Outback Steakhouse anyways and I was surprised he agreed to go. Anyhow, we went to the one in Glen Burnie and they said it was an hour and fourty minute wait. We were like, "See ya!" So we called ahead at the one in Annapolis and they said it was a 40-50 minute wait and so put our name on the list and took our time driving up there.
We waited another 1/2 hour probably when we got there. It SUCKED. We were starving and I was so thirsty and just in the mood for a drink so I got a margarita. I guess I drank it too fast, it just didn't taste alcoholy and it was just so yummy with that salt on the rim and all...anyhow, I was feeling fine and then all of a sudden BOOM! it hit me and I was tipsy as anything. But my spirits were high and I wanted to just have a good time as a family and all I did was cause Rob to be-as usual-annoyed with my "annoying personality". I was trying to tell him that I'm funny and cute and why can't he like me but he disagreed that I wasn't being cute at all. *shrugs*